
Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

PhD theses entitled: "Design of Superconducting Machines"

Volume entitled: "Hipparchus of Bithynia. Of the Phenomena of Aratus and Eudoxus. The 3rd Exposition out of Book 3 in 3 Expositions"

Volume entitled: "A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate"

Set of 20 interviews on audio cassettes 'Pioneers of Computing'

Scripts and recording of the BBC Radio 3 musical entertainment programme ‘Mischief-Making Moon’, presented by Patrick Moore

NASA Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary: Flight Operations Directorate Crew Training and Procedures Division

Collection of Ephemera Issued to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway

Geoffrey Key Sketches of Wire and Rod Making Process at Richard Johnson & Nephew

Certificate - Freedom of the City of Manchester presented to Sir Bernard Lovell

An American Powdermaker in Europe : Lammot du Pont's Journal, 1858, by Norman B. Wilkinson

Original typewritten script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

Durutti Column poster

A Certain Ratio, Durutti Column, Blurt poster

Kim Philby Reappears

The Kim Philby Club



Rod Mill

Rod Mill

Durutti Column/Situationists promotional poster for The Factory

Skylark Stage 5 Phase 2 Attitude Control Unit Dynamic Test Schedule

BBC radio broadcast script for the musical entertainment programme 'Mischief-Making Moon'

"Tischtennis" television video disc


Poster advertising a Rabid Records benefit gig for Moss Side People's Centre

Promotional poster for John Cooper Clarke's Walking Back To Happiness

An article from 'Electronics & Power' magazine

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled:Directorate: Development of proposed museum at Liverpool Road site - draft declaration of trust, correspondence, minutes, site plans, instructions for counsel to advise, 1979-1980

9 sheets

Construction drawings of Ledge Waggon


Interview with R Page regarding the British chemical industry


Original script for a television play entitled ‘Banting and Best’


A paper on the Industrial Archaeology of the Land's End Peninsula


Exhibition catalogue: entitled: "Royal College of Science 1881-1981: Centenary Exhibition by Jeanne Pingree, College Archivist, November 1981."

Six weekly editions of 'Communicable Disease Report' (CDR): /1 - 28 July 1978 /2 - 28 September 1979 /3 - 5 October 1979 /4 - 12 October 1979 /5 - 19 October 1979 /6 - 4 December 1981 (3 copies)

Collection of Communicable Disease Reports

1 folder

Collection of papers presented to UNESCO/ICSU meeting, "Time and the Sciences", held at the Royal Institution in Feb 1976


Volume entitled "The Birch family history"


Chart of the Nuclides

2 sheets

Drawings of Horse Slaughterer's Cart


Wall chart entitled: "Guide to How Britain runs its Science"


Wall chart entitled: "How the US Runs Its Science"

3 sheets

Construction drawings of Conestoga Waggon


Article entitled: "Inside the Atomic City. How Los Alamos Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"


Booklet: 'Fakenham Gasworks'


Centenary calendar of Standard Telephones and Cables Limited

26 pages

Joint Airworthiness Committee. Presentation of the reprinted edition of DEF STAN OO-970 (AvP 970) to the Director of the SBAC on behalf of Controller Aircraft MOD(PE) Great Britain


Reprint of 1932 route map for L.C.C. Trams


An epistemological re-assessment of Einstein's special relativity theory and of the conceivable alternatives to it by Robert R Traill

0.1 linear metres

Photographs of electrical equipment

0.2 linear metres

Documents relating to the Logabax mini computer